Placing your book in the right categories makes all the difference in ranking and being seen by readers and choosing the right keywords dramatically helps people find your book in searches. Don't leave it to chance! I can help you select the best category options for your book (3 for ebook and 3 for paperback) so that your story doesn't get lost in the giant categories. There are many more options that you think, you just have to know where to look.

Understanding keywords is a trick all its own, its not just a list of 7 words to pop into those boxes on the publishing page.  The right words and phrases can help you be included in extra categories (improving your chances of ranking high) and make sure that your book comes up in search results. 

Category and Keyword Finding - $40

You get:
- 4 categories for ebook
- 4 categories for paperback
- keywords/phrases to fill the KDP boxes per Kindlepreneur's latest recommendations

All are specifically niched to help your book rank well and be easily found by readers. Each type of book (ebook/paperback) is allowed 3 categories and 7 keyword/phrases on KDP. I stay up to date on Kindlepreneur's latest information to give your book the best chance with its keyword selections. No matter what online courses or marketers say, there is no one simple method to guarantee sales or a bestseller status that is ethically achieved. Misleading readers is a sure way to lose their trust. I will only provide categories and keywords that fit your book.

What I Need From You:

** all categories, genres etc. are different sizes. Some niches have more options than others so I cannot guarantee any specific rank, but I will give you options that will give your book the best opportunity.

I accept PayPal and Venmo
Payment is due up front, no refunds.
Lists are typically delivered within 48 hours when booked Monday-Friday.

Send requests or questions to with "Amazon Categories" in the subject line.
Please include the information on the 'What I Need From You' list information in your booking email.